Hackney Corporate Self Defence Seminar 8th Nov 2019 (ESPA)
Published by Luke James in Seminars · Thursday 14 Nov 2019
Tags: eclectic, self, protection, north, london, self, defence, north, london, martial, arts, hackney, self, defence, hackney, martial, arts
Tags: eclectic, self, protection, north, london, self, defence, north, london, martial, arts, hackney, self, defence, hackney, martial, arts
Hackney Corporate Self Defence Seminar Friday 8th November 2019 (ESPA)
Above: Master. LJ taking student Sandra step by step through some Edged Weapon Self Protection.
After a brief chat and catch up with the crew we kicked straight off into the session with a low to moderate warm up and static stretch sequence. ESP Coach structured the session slightly different to the usual coporate classes in accordance with what the students wanted to learn. ESP Coach took the students through the most efficient and best choke namely the Rear Naked Choke (RNC). We looked at this from stationary kneeling position with the protocals of a figure of four latch with a 'closed' attachment with no gap, and details of cutting off the blood and oxygen circulation, and not to use brute strength, but good 'eclectic' technique and 'energizing'. I let all students in the class apply it on me 5x each to ensure the actual choke was on before proceeding this in partner work.
Following this we drilled how to use the Rear Naked Choke as personal defence from an attacker swinging a wild punch. ESP Coach taught the cover and weave and body grip attachment leading into the actaul choke through 'interception' before taking down the attacker raking the eye and striking to break down the attackers nervous systems. In all cases we drilled this technique at 'walking pace' with self control and respect in partners. This particular personal defence technique of 'eclectism' is one of Master LJ's most favourite techniques taken from the actual ESP-SDS syllabus as it is always enjoyed by students and works biomechnaically efficiently for 'reality' due to its dynamic effectiveness.
ESP Coach also gave a brief explanation of the sports science of closing off the blood circulation in the arteries, and how dangerous this technique is to be in, ecspecially if its put on by a seasoned fighter, because to the point, once its locked on YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET OUT OF IT, no matter how good you are!
Pictured above: M. LJ with some of the staff team.
The second section of the corporate class recaped over some of the edged weapon personal security actually from Eclectic Self Protection, with a questions and answers from the students. In addition, we looked at personal and natural defences to the abdomen, both sides of the throat (from front), and to the centre of the back, using Eclectic Free Fighting principles from actual syllabus. In all of these cases compliance was stressed, and the protocals of dialogue, deception and surprise 'energizing' off basic fences and arm sprays. ESP Coach also gave some breif details of hight threat and emergency situations with key aspects of personal security, personal safety and damage limitation.
The session concluded with 5 minutes of meditation set to a structured cool down routine.
A big thanks to the Hackney Team Building Staff and ESP is pleased you all enjoyed the session!
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