Kings College Self Defence Workshops 2024 I Eclectic Self Protection Association (ESPA)

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Kings College Self Defence Workshops 2024 I Eclectic Self Protection Association (ESPA)

Eclectic Self Protection (ESP) - North London Martial Arts & Self Defence
Published by Luke James in ESP Courses · Wednesday 11 Dec 2024
Tags: kingscollegeselfdefencekingscollegeselfdefenceworkhopseclecticselfprotectionnorthlondonselfdefencelondonselfdefence

Eclectic Self Protection - North London Self Defence were delighted to have been booked by Kings College & their Physical Activity Coordinator to deliver 3x 2hr personal protection workshops as part of their self defence and stay safe campaign for their in-house students as part of Kings Sport & Wellness for October and November 2024. We have run numerous bespoke self defence courses both in person and online for Kings College in the past and we are simply delighted to have been booked for more courses!

Workshop 1 – Wednesday 13th November 2024 – 4.15 to 6.15pm

Our first Eclectic Self Protection workshop in London began with a introductory coaching talk on 1) personal safety, 2) self defence , 3) self defence and the UK Law and 4) Jeff Coopers Colour Code, 5) Self Protection and 6) Eclectic Self Protection & The 5 Tenets.

The ESPA introduced their students to what personal safety is and the key steps individuals and take in keeping the safety of ones self through applied tactics. We covered the Eclectic Self Protection definition of self defence (the best definition in the industry copyright & testimonial to GM LJ) clearly stating that self defence should be envisioned as the eclecticism of survival and self preservation and 100 percent damage limitation, and described the key points of reasonable force and the uk law. The ESPA gave 2 distinct examples of what is not considered self defence and reasonable force, and what is considered self defence and reasonable force applied correctly to the law.

The last part of the introductory coaching session, included the ESPA teaching their inhouse students of evaluation and self awareness, and how to make themselves a hard target by using the colour codes, and always staying switched on with 360 degrees environmental awareness.

The ESPA coached our 5 tenets of Eclectic Self Protection (which are the best in the industry and are copyright and property to the ESPA) giving a basic breakdown of what each tenet should be used for, as well as stating the magnificent complexity of them, and how they should use them in both their training and respective lives.

Following this we kicked of straight into a warm up and stretch before going over pre-emptive striking. The ESPA coached the students on 2 fast, effective and dynamic strikes which can be applied and learnt easily for all shapes and sizes. We covered 1) the laranyx grab and palm heel strike , and 2) the V-strike with emphasis made on using their whole body weight, correct sports science, and shifting into the attacker as they apply the strikes.

After this we went into detail about scenario based self defence in a adverse situation. The ESPA covered how to defend against a attacker grabbing your clothing with both hands and pushing the defender up against a wall. Out students made note of not letting the attacker smash your head against the wall, shrugging their shoulders and head in as they push, grabbing the attackers elbow, gouging into the face and then striking into the juggular notch as they step on the attackers foot using physical and forward pressure and force to take the attacker down. Key emphasis was made on keeping their situational awareness switched on and stamping on the attackers ankle at least twice before evading to safety. Students practised in pairs whilst applying the 5 tents of eclectic self protection.


The next part of the session looked at ground defence – 1) kicking from the floor, and 2) MMA Based Self Defence.

Students were put into pairs and times for a minute whilst one person uses the side kick against the attackers knees, with stress made on keeping sidewards on and chambering the leg, whilst their partner moved around in a circle in both directions. It was treated both as fitness exercise and self defence exercise.

The ESPA’s own MMA Based Self Defence on the ground looked at first taking the attacker down to the floor, getting knee control and then transitioning into The ESPA’s own applied version of side control. Once students were happy on how to do this, The ESPA then coached them on how to apply a wrist lock from The ESPA’s own applied side control with ‘subject to tap’. The students practised in pairs and built up more intensity once they were comfortable on how to do the techniques.

The final part of our scenario based self defence looked at eclectic knife defence. The ESPA Coach went into detail about the pre-indicators to attack and what to look for if an attacker is potentially holding a blade for access and deployment, and how to use The ESPA’s own ‘risk for reward’ principle.. The ESPA coach covered some basics of how an attacker would use a edged weapon against you, the main delivery methods, and how to use the Filipina Lead Arm Control Principle and 3 to 5 foot distance rule for their own personal protection. The ESPA also coached how to use the Eclectic Self Protection – Eclectic Knife Guarding Fence adapted from the Filipinos to make it more safer, more efficient, and better to use in defending against a knife or edged weapon.

The ESPA coached how to defend against a knife threat pointed to the throat whilst being pinned against the wall. The ESPA coach broke it down in 10 easy to learn steps with key training principles of eclecticism, and using the 5 tenets of Eclectic Self Protection. Major emphasis was placed on control the knife wielding hand, jamming the arm and elbow, pre-emptively knee striking and using the effects of modern sports science to take the attacker down, before taking the blade, destroying the attackers gross motor skills and then evading to a safe zone.

The session finished with a cool down stretch, 5 minutes of meditation for ‘mental envision’ on what they had learnt before concluding on the best form of self defence and how to use everything the students had learnt with the application of The 5 Tenets Of Eclectic Self Protection.

All the students left feeling confident, more self assured and self aware and more mentally and physically energized with a boost in self esteem. Everyone enjoyed the session and we all had fun through self defence and fitness!

Workshop 2 – Thursday 21st November 2024 4.00 to 6.00pm

Our second Eclectic Self Protection workshop in London began with a introductory coaching talk on 1) personal safety, 2) self defence , 3) self defence and the UK Law and 5) Self Protection and went into more details of 6) Eclectic Self Protection & The 5 Tenets in relation to Modern Oriental Mixed Martial Arts & Self Protection Training and how they should use them in relation to the practical part of the class, and their way of life.
All students were instructed on using our modern 5 tenets and applying them in all the teachings of this particular session.

After a warm up and preparation stretching session, the ESPA coach taught the students on the fence, personal space management, distance control and verbal desecalation, and went into detail about the cognitive and somatic effects of adrenaline in a pressured confrontation.

Students were divided into pairs with 1) as the defender and 2) as the aggressor where the defended plays the role of using the fence, positional body moment and talking down a attacker and trying to resolve a conflict. The aggressor played the role to verbally attacking the defender with dominant body language and used their own examples of conflicts that could happen in society.

After this the ESPA coach taught out students on how to defend against a attacker finger pointing using the finger brace throw and modern sports science which is copyright and testimonial to The Eclectic Self Protection
Association and our advanced teaching methods. 2nd we drilled a Eclectic Oriental MMA control, takedown and restraint using modern eclecticism focusing on advantageous body movement and applied pain and pressure. The students enjoyed both of these and found them both very effective for self defence. In both variations of these fast, effective and dynamic self defence techniques, students drilled them a minimum of 10 times on each side whilst working with all shapes and sizes for best effect.

Feel free to watch ‘How To Defend Against An Attacker Finger Pointing’ coached by GM LJ of The Eclectic Self Protection Association below. This video is copyright and the sole work and ownership of GM LJ & The ESPA.

The ESPA did another set of kicking from floor with students paired off as decried and coached in our first self defence workshop. We treated this as a fitness exercise as well as a dynamic ground based self defence activity.
The second half of the session looked at eclectic knife defence. The ESPA coach did a talk and demonstration on the main knife attacks that could happen and how they would happen in reality by surprise.
The key points of recognising pre-knife attacks and access and deployment were taught with major emphasis on 360 degree environmental awareness, compliance, and the ‘Filipino Lead Arm Control Principle’ and ‘American 3 to 5 Foot Rule’.

Please watch the video below to see and learn of part of what we covered:

The ESPA coach introduced the students into the ‘Eclectic Knife Guarding Fence’ stemming from the Filipinos, and how to use it if the attacker has already pulled out the blade.

The students were divided in pairs as 1) the defender and 2) the knife attacker and practices using the ‘Eclectic Knife Guarding Fence’ with distance control whilst using positive verbal dialogue to try and neutralise the knife attack or at least prevent it from getting worse. Students were encouraged to put more pressure on this scenario based exercise of eclecticism with the stress of use of using key dialogue and comments that are specifically used in dealing with knife attacks if it has already been accessed and deployed. These ‘Eclectic Knife Defence Exercises’ are testimonial and copyright to GM LJ and The Eclectic Self Protection Association, and our advanced coaching methods of eclecticism.

Following this the ESPA coach taught how to defend against a knife threat to the side of the neck, with main focuses of simultaneously pre-emptively striking and both jamming and controlling the knife wielding hand, before scooping and taking the blade and exiting to a safe zone. The ESPA coach also taught how to further this knife defence against a bigger or larger attacker, and what to do if they are resisting, using ‘modern eclecticism’.
Please watch the video below for your own self protection and self improvement to see the first part of what we covered:


In this particular ‘Eclectic Knife Defence’ we focused on using ‘The 3Cs of Eclecticism of ‘Tenet 4 : Energize’, which are copyright and testimonial to The Eclectic Self Protection Association’s own modern knife defences, and our advanced coaching methods.

The session concluded with a cool down, developmental stretching, and meditation for mental enhancement, as well as recapping over the 5 tenets of eclecticsm for fast, realistic, effective and dynamic self defence training.
All the students enjoyed the workshop and will be giving valuable feedback to Kings College and what they learnt.

Workshop 3 – Monday 25th November 2024 4 to 6pm

Our last self defence workshop in London also began with a introductory talk on self defence covering similar aspects of what we covered in the previous sessions, however we went into more detail on personal safety for travel and one’s self, and how to make your self a hard target using effective 360 degree environmental awareness and our 5 tenets of eclecticism for modern oriental personal defence.

The session began with a warm up and stretch, and kicked off into restraint and control using ‘oriental eclecticism’.

The ESPA coach taught 2 variations of the Eclectic Wrist Throw which stem from Kuk Sool Won and are both testimonial & copyright to GM Luke James and The Eclectic Self Protection Association. We covered the eclectic wrist throw into 1) hammer lock control and 2) face and head control focusing on effective moden sports science and dominating and controlling the attacker. The students practised these in pairs, enjoyed these techniques and found these both very beneficial for their own Eclectic Self Protection.

You can watch a similar video of what GM Luke James coached to our students below. This Eclectic Wrist Throw & RNC Video is copyright and testimonial to GM Luke James & The ESPA:

Given the space of the hall we kept the session compact using our space effectively for self defence and fitness training whilst maintaining health and safety.

Furthermore, the ESPA coach taught how to do the rear naked choke using easy to follow steps and provided effective demonstrations on the students on how to do this. We first drilled it from a kneeling position before advancing the technique into modern reality. The ESPA have coached The Rear Naked Choke lots of times to other students and other organisations in the past, and it is a magnificent mixed martial arts technique for personal protection and self defence using ‘eclecticism’.

The ESPA coach advanced the Rear Naked Choke technique into a confrontation state focusing on the aspects of the fence, verbal de escalation, positional body movement, the shoulder and body turn, and then quickly putting the RNC on to choke out the attacker and cut off the blood supply. The ESPA coach taught the Kings College Students on how to use the rear naked choke in different situations using the 5 Tenets Of Eclectic Self Protection. Combining these tenets into physical reality with the RNC for fast, realistic, effective and dynamic self defence is testimonial and signature to GM Luke James, and works incredibly well for students of all shapes and sizes equally for men and women.


The remaining part of the session looked at ‘Eclectic Ground Defence’ for women's sexual assault positions and how to get out of them.

We covered the 2 main positions – 1) in mount and 2) in guard using ‘the eclecticism of reversal’ and trying to get a DNA sample and ‘releasing the lioness’. Our female students enjoyed these techniques and found them very beneficial.

Then session finalised with a light cool down and developmental stretching before concluding with a brief talk on the best forms of self defence.


Are you a group, business or organisation that would like to improve staff team building through self defence and fitness training?

Would you like a specialist course to improve your teams confidence, self assurance and self esteem whilst having fun?


Our Bespoke Self Defence & Fitness courses can be customised to include the following:

- Personal Protection & Self Defence Training
- Breakaway & Escape
- UK Law
- 5 Tenets Of Eclectic Self Protection
- Confidence, Self Assurance & Self Awareness
- Fitness, Mobility and Flexibility
- Stress Release & Self Esteem Building
- Self Improvement
- Staff Team Building
- Staff Energy & Engagement
- Building & Creating Trust Between Staff & Employees

***We are a Award Winning Academy Previously Sponsored by Nike PLC.

Read our 5 star client, student and business reviews here:

We are are dedicated in keeping our community and surrounding areas safe, and improving staff team building through fast, effective and dynamic self defence training.

Please call 07936660831 for a free informal chat or contact us via the link below for more information and we will respond to you directly:


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