How To Perform A Martial Arts Breakfall For Dojo & Street (ESPA)

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How To Perform A Martial Arts Breakfall For Dojo & Street (ESPA)

Eclectic Self Protection (ESP) - North London Martial Arts & Self Defence
Okay, welcome to Eclectic Self Protection - North London Martial Arts & Self Defence.

In this video, we are going to take your right back to the basics of breakfalls looking at all the key details to effectively breakfall from back, side and front with correct health and safety, accuracy and precision. Its importnt to mention at this point, regardless of which martial arts that you practice which have breakfalls, whether its BJJ, Ju Jitsu, Judo, Kuk Sool Won, Hapkido and Mixed Martial Arts, they all follow relatively the similar procedures and principles. So we are going to take you through the back breakfall, side breakfall and front breakfall now.

Back Breakfall

The back breakfall comes in really handy because it has really good principles of how to disperse pressure in a fall, and thats what all these breakfalls are really about. Its about understanding mechanically how you are hitting the ground, how to dispute the pressure so it doesn't all hit and compact in one place and cause injury.

When doing a back breakfall you want to make sure your chin is tucked, and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Instead of falling back you want to think about leaning slightly foward and bring your hands out, or alternatively cross your arms. I prefer having the hands out because it puts my arms and hands out in a better position to slap the mat or the floor. You want to sit down close to your heels, rock back and let your arms naturally fall and slap the floor using your open hands and inner palms. Don't hit the mat with the back of your hands because thats going to break your hands, because you don't have any padding. Let your hands fall naturally and use the padding of your hands.

By leaning fowards slightly its going to help develop a natural curve in your back. Rock back to your heels and slap. When you slap don't reach your hands out. This is going to cause shoulder injuries and whiplass your hands, arms and elbows. So naturally slap the ground to hep disperse that weight and de-pressure the fall so its not all centralized causing injury.

The last thing I want to talk about is after you have done the breakfall is you want to get into a base. This will allow you to block or cover and then get to your feet for further defensive action.

Side Breakfall

Okay the side breakfall has some similar elements to a back breakfall. The only difference is you are doing it from the side. When you do a side breakfall you want to actually want to be semi-sidewards on.

So stand shoulder width apart. An option you have got is to grab your sleeve or uniform to prevent one hand from being loose. Again, keep your chin tucked. So you are going to bring your hand and foot out simultaneously and swing these to the side. Similar if you are kciking or sweeping someone. Now you are going to pistol squat, sit down next to your opposite foot and then rock on your side.

When you land this leg is going to be flat out, and your hand is going to reach into this position. DOn't reach out over here, this will cause a shoulder injury. Don't lock out your hand and elbow out in this position. So naturally slap and land to the side. Your knee, hip and shoulder should be off the ground.

And from your side breakfall position, you also have the opportunity to kick the attacker and then get to your feet and evade with 360 degree environmental awareness to a safe zone.

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